Leaded Light Repairs
Although leaded lights last a considerably long time, depending on the location and exposure to the elements they can deteriorate over time. This will be clearly visible as you may notice they start to bow and distort, solder joints will crack and may leak, and the glass rattle. If any of these symptoms are evident, the leaded lights will need to be refurbished.
Refurbishing leaded lights involved removing the whole leaded panel from the windows and completely striping all of its lead in our workshop. The glass is then cleaned and any broken glass is replaced with a suitable match and we always try to use the existing glass where possible. The new lead known as lead cames is matched in size and carefully cut and soldered around the glass to create the refurbished leaded light. The leaded light is then cemented using leaded light cement and left to dry before being cleaned and blacked.
Repairing broken panes of glass in situ within a leaded light can also be carried out if the leaded light is in reasonable condition. This process is sometimes called lead light repairs or broken quarries.
If you’re in Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Hertfordshire, Northamptonshire, Surrey, Wiltshire, Hampshire or the surrounding areas and think Craft Glass could be the solution for your windows, don’t hesitate to get in touch.